A package of techniques and tools commonly called Statistical Process Control (SPC) has been used for the past 70 years. However, from the beginning there has been a lot of doubt about the nature and aim of SPC usage. The majority of SPC courses are focused on statistical tools which aim to simplify the use of Statistical Process Control for the controlling and monitoring of results. This is an absolutely appropriate use for such purposes, however there is much more that SPC can offer. The above mentioned uses for controlling and monitoring is nothing but the very narrow and na?ve interpretation which sometimes arises from a misunderstanding of SPC. It is very easy to focus on SPC as a tool as well as easy to teach it as such, but it is crucial to remember that tools are the background only.

This training shows that SPC means continuous improvement of processes as well as measuring results. The first consideration should be our way of thinking…our mindset. If we know tools only, in fact we know nothing, as the whole secret lies in proper and effective (not attractive) uses of those tools. Applying SPC gives rise to knowing and understanding sources of variation which have an influence on the results of our processes. This is a unique way to obtain continuous improvement and indeed the way to increase quality and productivity without major investments.

Dedicated Training znak zapytaniaQUESTIONS? CONTACT US:
MOBILE:+48 783 191 353

Upcoming Six Sigma Trainings

Statistical Process Control
Class 01/2023
27 II – 1 III 2023
Wrocław 3 000 pln
Class 02/2023
15-17 V 2023
Wrocław 3 000 pln
Class 03/2023
18-20 X 2023
Wrocław 3 000 pln
Class 04/2023
20-22 XI 2023
Wrocław 3 000 pln

To take part in an open training, you should complete the application form and send it to us: szkolenia@e-opex.pl For those, who will send their application 30 days prior to the workshop,we offer a discount of 10%!

Training Price Includes

  • Ability to consult with a trainer during the training and after the workshops
  • The training conducted by certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt
  • Training completion certificate
  • A set of training materials
  • Additional training materials based on the individual needs of the trainee
  • Username and password for the Client Zone allowing use of many additional materials
  • Coffee breaks and lunch

Expected Training Results

Po zakończeniu szkolenia uczestnicy będą potrafili:

  • planować zbieranie danych w taki sposób, aby odpowiadały one na konkretne pytania dotyczące procesów (plany próbkowania),
  • analizować zebrane dane w sposób praktyczny, graficzny i ilościowy,
  • używać Kart Kontrolnych zarówno w sposób pasywny (monitorowanie procesu) jak i aktywny (rozwiązywanie problemów w procesie),
  • zbadać i ocenić system pomiarowy zarówno dla pomiarów o charakterze ciągłym, jak i dyskretnym,
  • przeprowadzić wszystkie niezbędne analizy za pomocą programu Minitab.
  • Process Engineers
  • Quality Engineers
  • Technologists
  • Leaders
  • Managers

Training Plan


Introduction to Variation (basic concepts and statistics) lecture
Hands on ? practical exercise, Quincounx: shows why distinction between common and special cause variation is so important practical exercise
Process Map and Rate of Change Table as a base for designing data collection plans lecture + practical exercise
Introduction to Sampling ? two ? level Sampling Trees, construction and data analysis lecture + practical exercise
Hands ? on ? practical exercise: construction and interpretation of Control Charts practical exercise
Hands ? on ? practical exercise: understanding when control limits should be revised practical exercise


Uses of Control Charts for problem solving: Components of Variation Study (CoV): two, three and four level sampling trees lecture
CoV data analysis: practical, graphical and quantitative lecture + case study + Minitab
Three practical exercises, participants undergo through practical examples, from simple to more complex ones practical exercise
Hands ? on ? practical exercise: helicopter ? participants conduct and analyse own CoV being based on constructed during Day 1 Rate of Change Table practical exercise
Usage of Control Charts for monitoring process results: Individual Moving Range Chart (ImR) lecture + case study + Minitab


Capability Analysis: Cp, Cpk, Cm, Cmk, Pp, Ppk indexes: construction and results interpretation, conclusions limitations, how the way of data collection influence capability indexes lecture + case study + examples
Measurement System Evaluation for continuous data with usage of learned SPC tools lecture + case study + Minitab
Measurement System Evaluation for visual inspection lecture + case study
Hands ? on ? practical exercise, participants conduct analysis of their own MSE and subsequently introduce improvements if needed practical exercise