Decisions made during the designing process are essential from costs and clients demands point of view. Unfortunately, very often, chosen solutions are not free from errors. Their fast elimination and replacing with better, more effective solution isn?t hard and most of all it?s not expensive on designing stage. Preventing errors expenses are much lower than their costs. According to analysis up to 75% of errors appears in designing and planning stage, that?s why it?s necessary to develop this phase participants’ knowledge and apply preventive methods before errors get any farther.

It?s alarming that 80% of appeared errors is not eliminated until stage of final inspection and exploitation, so at the time when it?s costs are multiply higher than on designing stage. We need to remember that bearing defined preventive costs in the right time, implies multiply bigger drop of bad quality costs ? in the end total quality costs level is dropping and quality itself is increasing.

FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) and its extension to critical states evaluation FMECA (Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis) is quality tool, which goal is to find potential causes and results of errors made during designing and to eliminate them before finished product is ready.

This training gives solid grounds for performing FMEA supported by real examples. Participants are gaining practical knowledge and skills to perform FMEA process as well as they get to know how does it connect to whole designing processes. They learn how to connect FMEA with problem solving tools such as 8D or QRQC methods etc.

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Expected Training Results

After finishing this workshops participants:

  • Will understand essence and need of conducting FMEA
  • Will be able to conduct FMEA for their own products and processes
  • Will recognize connections between FMEA and Robust Design, Dfa, DfM
  • Will be designing new solutions and realize requested corrections in existing projects
  • Design Engineers
  • Project Managers
  • Process Engineers
  • Managers

Training Plan


Philosophy of designing ? project, system, function and human errors lecture + case study
FMEA definition, PFMEA and DFMEA division. Developing FMEA to FMECA lecture + case study
FMEA project ? preparing stage. Though Map and Process Map as tools assisting in effective scale and range of project defining lecture + case study
Project definition ? practice practical exercise
Three main FMEA sections: client, engineering, repairing actions lecture + case study

Section 1 – orientation on client

  • system/process/method/operations/component
  • function and causes of defect
  • defect results
  • importance and risk
lecture + case study



Section 2 ? engineering

  • potential reasons and mechanisms of defect
  • occurrence, detectability and importance of defect
  • defects prevention in process and product
  • defects detection in process and product
  • RPN vs. SOD
lecture + case study

Section 3 ? repair actions

  • recommended actions
  • responsibility and time of application
  • results
  • reevaluation of risk
  • closing
lecture + case study
FMEA analysis as continuous process lecture
FMEA connection with DfA, Robust Design and reactionary methods of problem solving – 8D/QRQC lecture + case study