Decisions made during designing process are crucial from costs and customers requirements point of view. Fulfilling specifications requirements is insufficient, it?s crucial to create articles which posses above average characteristics ? products which are functioning regardless of improper installation or exploitation, impropriate transport or store. Products which are resistant to variation.
Merger of continuous concentration on client with designing products in respect with variation is definition of Robust Design. Creating robust products it’s competitive advantage and most effective method to building stabile brand.
Variation presents on every stage of creating (starting with components, through assembly to installation) and using product. On designing stage we are capable to plan and test solutions, which consider whole scope of possibilities of product use and conditions in which it will be working.
Mobile phone’s screen is robust, when it’s functioning right when it?s cold and hot, moistly and dry, sunny and gloomily. Vacuum cleaner is robust, when it vacuums well regardless of place we use it in: house, dusty garage or construction site. Hydraulic valve is functioning correctly in spite of differences in measures of its components or even when they cross the tolerance.
This training enables to understand the essential of Robust Design, delivers tools allowing to define tolerance and scope of operation of designed product. It also delivers methods of test planning and proper evaluation of particular solutions.
MOBILE:+48 783 191 353 KONTAKT@E-OPEX.PL |
After finishing this workshops participants will be able to individually:
- Map the product in terms of design and noise factors
- Measure critical characteristics of the project
- Plan tests and experiments considering required conditions, goal and variation
- Define tolerance through applying planned experiments
- Design new solutions as well as to realize required corrections in existing projects
- Connect Robust Design for manufacturing with value engineering
DAY 1 |
Philosophy of designing ? project, system, function and human errors | lecture + case study | ||
Product Mapping, y=f(x) + Noise as a base for system understanding | lecture + case study | ||
Process Mapping | practical exercise | ||
lecture + practical exercise |
DAY 2 |
Comparison of various approaches to experimentation (OFAT, ALL-FAT, Trial & Error vs. DoE) | lecture | ||
Experiments planning: choice of factors and their levels, what should we measure during the experiment and what circumstances should be taken into consideration before the experiment will start | lecture + case study | ||
Full Factorial Design: construction and analysis | lecture + case study + Minitab |
DAY 3 |
Robust Design ? basic concepts and assumptions, Taguchi methodology | lecture | ||
Aspirin ? in groups participants perform experiments and compare achieved results. Why do they differ and which one is appropriate? ? discussion. Introduction to noise management as Robust Design base | lecture + practical exercise | ||
Noise management strategies, introduction to Factor Relationship Diagram FRD | lecture + practical exercise |
DAY 4 |
Coptermania: in groups participants perform experiments according to four drafts:
practical exercise | ||
Diagnostic and reduction of special causes influence on experiments results | lecture + case study |
DAY 5 |
Tolerance designing ? use of planned experiments to define tolerance | lecture + case study | ||
Problem solving in designing ? errors in designing, producing and assembly. DoE Swapping | lecture + case study | ||
Robust Design vs. Design for Assembly i Manufacturing | lecture |